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The Ultimate Escape: Desert Rock, Saudi Arabia's New Resort Carved Into The Rockface

The Ultimate Escape: Desert Rock, Saudi Arabia's New Resort Carved Into The Rockface

Saudi Arabia is set to welcome a new luxury resort that will be built into the rockface of a stunning mountain landscape. The resort, named Desert Rock, is being developed by Red Sea Global (RSG), the company behind two of the world's most ambitious regenerative tourist projects, The Red Sea and Amaala.

Desert Rock, which was launched in 2021, is located in the wadi vistas in the west of the country, near the Red Sea coast. The resort is designed by Oppenheim Architecture, a US-based firm that specializes in integrating architecture with nature. The resort will feature 48 villas and 12 hotel rooms that will be carved into the mountainside, offering guests spectacular views and preserving the natural environment.

The resort will also include a spa and fitness center, dining areas, and a feature lagoon oasis. Guest will enter Desert Rock through a hidden valley nestled between the mountain, creating a sense of discovery and adventure. The resort will cater to travelers who seek a unique and immersive experience in harmony with nature.

According to RSG, construction work on Desert Rock is more than half complete, and many of the key structures are now in place. The company said it had fully excavated and formed the 10 rooms integrates into the mountainside, as well as all 195 meters of tunneling. It added that major structural and infrastructure works are well-advanced, including the building of the wadi villas, guest hubs, back of Saudi Arabia as a tourism destination.

John Pagano, Group CEO of RSG, said in a press statement in 2021: " Desert Rock will provide guests with uninterrupted spectacular views while preserving the natural landscape for future generations to enjoy". He added that Desert Rock is one of the many diverse offerings that RSG is developing to showcase the beauty and potential of Saudi Arabia as a tourism destination.

RSG also announced that its first three hotels on the Res Sea will open this year and that its international airport will start operating domestic flights before the end of 2023. The company said it aims to create a positive impact on the environment and society through its projects, which will adhere to the highest standards of sustainability and conservation.

Desert Rock is expected to be one of the most remarkable in the world, blending modern architecture with ancient geology. The resort will offer guest a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore and enjoy the wonders of Saudi Arabia's natural heritage.

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